Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hunter Introduces Legislation to Pardon Convicted Border Patrol Agents

For Immediate Release

January 18, 2007 CONTACT: Joe Kasper (202) 225-5672

Hunter Introduces Legislation to Pardon Convicted Border Patrol Agents

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) introduced the Congressional Pardon for Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean Act. The legislation pardons convicted Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, who reported to prison yesterday to begin serving 11 and 12 year sentences respectively. The conviction derived from an incident involving their efforts to apprehend a drug smuggler on the international border with Mexico.

"The Border Patrol is America’s first line of defense against the constant and unrelenting efforts of drug and human smugglers to illegally enter the United States," said Congressman Hunter. "Agents Compean and Ramos fulfilled their responsibilities as Border Patrol agents and rightfully pursued a suspected and fleeing drug smuggler. It is irresponsible to punish them with jail time.

"The security situation on our Southern land border requires a strong law enforcement presence. This conviction demoralizes our nation’s Border Patrol and sends a clear message that we are not serious about protecting our borders and enforcing our immigration laws.

"We cannot turn our back on Agents Compean and Ramos or the rest of the men and women proudly serving in the U.S. Border Patrol. These two agents deserve our full support and the Congressional pardon provided by this legislation."

In addition to introducing the Congressional Pardon for Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean Act, Congressman Hunter contacted the Federal Bureau of Prisons and personally requested that Agents Compean and Ramos be segregated from the general prison population in order to ensure their safety.


Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA) was just on with John and Ken and said that he has co-sponsored, with Duncan Hunter, a bill that would provide for a congressional pardon of Border Patrol Agents Compean and Ramos. He said they have "been working our side of the aisle today" and already have 67 Republicans signed on. He said tomorrow they will start working on the Democrats. Regardless, he said the bill "went into the hopper tonight."

Congressman Royce admitted that if this pardon flies it would be "ground-breaking," but states that they are drawing their precedent from 1986; in effect, "Congress granted a pardon to 12 million illegal aliens, so why can't we pardon these two Border Patrol Agents?"

Monday, January 8, 2007

FREE THE BORDER PATROL DAY - Saturday, January 13th

The American Freedom Riders are calling for a national:

FREE THE BORDER PATROL DAY - Saturday, January 13th
To protest "The Malicious Prosecution of Agents Ramos and Compean
For Protecting America's Borders."

Agent Ramos' father-in-law Joe Loya
will be the featured speaker
at the downtown L.A. Federal Building

presented by the:

Minuteman Project
Antelope Valley Minutemen, Campo Minutemen, CCIR, Crispus Attucks Brigade, Fire Coalition, LAIR, SOS, You Don't Speak For Me, Minutemen from throughout California & concerned citizens

We are asking YOU to $$donate$$ generously to the Ramos family at this rally - as the money will go DIRECTLY to Agent Ramos NOT the "middle man." So bring a big heart and your $$$$ for the Ramos family - a family now hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt - due to this fraudulent prosecution.

* * *

Bring a BIG American Flag

Press Conference:
Raymond Herrera
Minuteman Project National Rally Spokesman
Joe Loya
Agent Ramos' Father-in-Law

Preliminary list of speakers - in alphabetical order
Steve Eichler - Emcee
Executive Director Minuteman Project

Barbara Coe
Chelene Nightengale
Frank Jorge
Antelope Valley Minutemen
Jim Gilchrist
Founder of the Minuteman Project
Joe Loya
Ramos Family Spokesman
Lupe Moreno
Marvin Stewart
Community Relations Director Minuteman Project
Raymond Herrera
Minuteman Project National Rally Spokesman
Ted Hayes
Homeless Activist/Crispus Attucks Brigade

Homeless activist/Crispus Attucks Brigade Minuteman Ted Hayes will lead the rally on a spirited sidewalk march

We will present the opportunity for you to take to the microphone and voice your public outrage!

After the rally, we will neatly and peacefully leave our RAMOS AND COMPEAN signs - our calling cards - on the doorstep of the federal building!

* * *
Saturday, January 13
11am - 1pm
Downtown L.A. Federal Building
300 North Los Angeles Street
Los Angeles, CA

Locations of Nationwide Protests
January 13, 2007
List your rally/protest at

Chicago -
Dirksen Federal Building 219 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, Illinois 11 am to 1 pm
Contact Rick

El Paso -
El Paso Federal Courthouse El Paso, Texas candlelight vigil
Contact Andy

Ft. Myers -
Ft. Myers Federal Building 2115 Second St. Ft Myers, Florida 11 am to 1 pm
Contact Russ

Los Angeles -
Los Angeles Federal Building 300 North Los Angeles Los Angeles, California 11 am to 1 pm
Contact Robin

Phoenix -
Sandra Day O'Connor Federal Building 401 West Washington St. Phoenix, Arizona 11 am to 1 pm
Contact Danny

San Jose -
Federal Courthouse 280 So. First Street San Jose, California 11 am to 1 pm
Contact Roberta

Tammy Bruce interview with Joe Loya, Father in Law of wrongly accused BP agent Ramos

Tammy Bruce interview with Joe Loya, Father in Law of wrongly accused BP agent Ramos.

Below is a link to a slide show that is played at the same time as a recording of the Tammy Bruce show where she talks about this. Once she goes into all the congressmen being ignored by Bush all while he pardons many others, I had to turn it off. You just have to see and hear this to believe it is really happening. This is the ultimate outrage.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Conference and Candlelight 12/31/06

The Campo Minutemen had a BBQ and Cheryl lead a discussion group on how to maximize activisms efforts in 2007.

The Campo Minutemen held a Candlelight Vigil, lighting 25 Candles, one for each American killed each day by Illegal Aliens.

Viking, Ridgerunner and Kingfish went east and spotted 2 illegals trying to cross, just after the border patrol run by. Kingfish took a few pictures and the crossers yelled "no pictures! no pictures!"

Kingfish put out an "anyone on six" radio called and the BP returned. At this point, the Pacific Trail Marker is on the other side of the fence and they were sitting on the monument, smoking and drinking

The Border Patrol left Kingfish to keep an eye on them, and eventually they despaired of crossing and threw trash over onto the border road, yelling at Kingfish to go home.