Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kingfish and His Dog Buddy Stop A Large Group Of Illegal Crossers

The Entire Group Was Apprehended by the Border Patrol

Buddy alerted to these two, who distracted the Border Patrol.

This Guy Called Out to The Larger Group

And They Began To Cross:

They Even Started a Fire On The Border Road

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Report from G - Man - 163 881 Apprehended in 2008

Time to celebrate. For the year 2008, I have helped apprehend 881 illegal intruders some of which were felons,drug smugglers and who knows what else. Already in 2009 we have called in 40 illegal crossers with subsequent apprehensions. Most of them in the last few days

German and Dutch Media Tour the Fence

The German Media was at the Border for almost a week; the Dutch, overnight.