The Campo Minutemen were joined this month by Retired Army Captain, Mr.
Pete who stayed in the border with Kingfish for ten days.
Mr. Pete is a Vietnam Veteran who currently resides in New Mexico. He
previously lived in California, however, he moved from the state several
years ago do to the issues with illegal immigration.
He was motivated by the recent assassination of Agent Rosas to return to California
and assist in monitoring the border. With his military background,
Mr Pete immediately understood how to secure and maintain a high point and
call the Border Patrol with any unusual activity. Mr. Pete hopes to return to the
some members of his Recreational Vehicle club to return to Campo in the spring.
An Independent Film Crew also came, spent the night and spent two days filming
Gadget Dan reports we have completed as of November 1, 2009, our 40th month of litter
removal. Over the past 40 months, we have removed over 42,000 pounds of
litter from public lands. Monthly totals for litter removal have ranged
from 700 pounds in earlier months, to over 2,000 pounds set this past
April. Gadget Dan enjoys saying to others -"we are taking back San
Diego East County, one littered bit at a time!"
An additional 85 pounds of litter were removed November 13, 2009, during an organized clean up with a group of Minutemen. Another Highway clean up will be held on Friday, November 27, 2009 at 8:00 am. We will meet at Buckman Springs road and Oak Drive at 8:00 a.m Trash bags, trash pickers and reflector vests will be provided. After the Highway Clean up, we, will proceed to the Rosas Memorial to leave flowers and pay our respects.