Sunday, September 17, 2006

Report from Jim Chase

From the Wall Campo,California-Mexico
Hangin' with Campo Minutemen


I am perched on the top of Kingfish mountain just west of the smuggling canyon called Smith, in Campo, California. This is now the home of Britt Craig, leader of , FRS radio channel 6, . It was pretty quiet last night. Gadget Dan came up for a visit and we shot the Bull, had a little cold water and then ice cold coke.

I pulled a 22 foot trailer up here. not the easiest task but worth in in my economy. At a couple of points spinning all 4 wheels at once searching for traction. Howard and Max cleared the trail of bushes and measured the overhang of tree limbs in La Gloria canyon and I manuevered the sand traps and rocks. I like having a bed, heater, shower, toilet and refrig/freezer, and yet being away from everybody. We arrived without a scratch on the rolling house. How and Max called me crazy, but then my own wife calls me crazy and in fact crazy is why I get the big bucks from the VA, so crazy is cool. Personally, I think crazy is sitting on the border staring into the bushes waiting to be accosted by some smuggler, so everyone doing a Border event is crazy, but then who am I to judge? I'm the crazy leader of the California Minutemen, USBPA and BorderWatch..ex-leader, who it has been said of, murders poor immigrants.

I am watching Britts spot. Kingfish aka Britt Craig is away to see the movie "Border Wars" with his new wife Debbie. This is his spot, as far back as a year ago while he was in California Minutemen. While he is away I figured I would fill in. Generally no one comes up here as it is off the border road, isolated and distant from the social center of spots near the entrance road or on the high plateau 139-141. I see USBP agent passing a distance off maybe 3-5 a day. The next nearest minuteman is at least 1/2 mile or more away, but I have my radio checks and my cell phone has the best reception in the area, so I am cool. The truth is that this is a real vacation, where you can gather your thoughts and rest your body and soul.

I think this is chopper day as I have seen 3. Two flew over me this morning. I was out in my PJ's, field hat, bare foot, SU-16 jungle swung and binoculars and a chopper roared over me low and hit hit noise maker. Morning on the border.


Britt is back watching West and I am over by Smith canyon watching East. Forgarding the thief on the lamb, Britt dipped down West to look for the guy and I walked the west ridge and ajointing area that falls off into the canyon. Then I drove drown into Smith. Sand, a little water, two what you may call immigrant caves or mountain lions holes going 20 and 30 feet in. I entered with a flashlite, round in the chamber of my SU-16 and glock. I figured Britt would show up if there was any gun shots so no sweat. Found tracks, tennis shoes going south. Probably the guy, the Beeps seemed satisfied with the report. I heard they also lost a sniper rifle recently. Friday night illeagals came over via latter and went back the same way when Charlie 1 turned a powerful light their way. I think he said it happened at136 or 139 can't remember.

And my wife showed up and the furnace broke, Cool here at night. Oh bye the way for you who wish to come out here. There are trails on the West edge if you walk like your going to jump off the cliff into the canyon. Smugglers are skirting Britt to the East of his position, even east to the spoting stand that the group cemented above Smith canyon. A good place to go quietly sit with night vision.

Lay-up shooting gallery

At the end of the border wall smith canyon, west side,I filled bottles with sand set them on rocks and stuck others on the ends of dead desert plants. In the distance south, in mexico Mennonites are building a orphanage. We told them, some time ago, the way it was with bandidos. They came in and stole their ground well pump and pulled up 200 feet of pipe. Mexicans saying in their minds, "Thanx for coming here from Texas to care for our unwanted children, and oh, bye the way, we are stealing your stuff as you place. you rich American pigs owe us a living." They had a watchman..I guess he did his job and watched as the bandidos dug it up.


Britts new wife Delta showed up. There are a bunch of people West but I am the last camp East right now. Checkstand was East of Smith canyon but has returned to Bell Valley West. There are alot of flags posted along the border. Some were taken by our Southern neighbors. Gadget Dan has taken to cleaning up tons of trash north of the border noting someone is marking trails so he unmarks them. He wants me to go lay low, watch wearing my ghilley suit Camouflaged, look like a bush oufit)..."oooh manana, o someday senior, I am lazy in the warm sun with my senior-eater watching the wall." I am old. I am tired, I am on vacation. If Juan trips by I will drop the dime. Last night Linda and I patrolled East to Shockey Truck road and then ate at the Indian Casino. They have the best t-bone steaks I have tasted in a long time.


Delta headed home. Linda decided she'd like to stay another day. I broke out the generator to recharge all my battery systems and computer. You know it is nice up here with the breeze, wildlife, quiet and the chance of a little excitement now and then. And for those that like to socialize there are always others around to chat with, share a meal or a cold drink with. You do not have to be a Campo Minuteman to come and join in with Campo Minuteman. They issue no ID card. You can get a T-shirt by you are basically an independent observer responsible for your actions. Campo Minutemen will fill you in on what is what and who is whom, suggest if you need suggestions, but it is your show in your watch area. You can be someone new or from any group. Or just a person here for free camping. Yes, free. Campo Minuteman does not charge a fee of any kind. You can Camp Free on BLM land for 14 days or forever on the 60 feet north of the border. Come down with a FRS radio set on Ch 6. Your ready. A firearm is recommended but not required.Long hot showers coat $2 at Potrero County Park. What else does a person need?

James L Chase, Border Watch
Hangin' with Campo Minutemen

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