Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend at Campo

C-1 joined the group of Miunutemen who joke they are they "mistaken for rabbits" club. C-1 was at Kingfish's old place when gun fire came from the south west. This location as probably been on of the hottest at Campo. The intent was to see if they could scare him off, but C-1 held his post.

Romeo reports why -


Two vehicles in Mexico were attempting to approach the fence East of Campo, when the
their vehicle became disabled by the difficult terrain. They hurriedly unloaded the dope, and took it back to a near by shed type structure.

Afterwards, the BP monitored the area, bringing in several cars and a helicopter.


The Campo MInutemen have a highly dedicated volunteer that spends 6 days a week and a 150 mile commute , to do the job our government will not do.

"Gadget" is another one of the unsung heroes ! Observing, mending border fences, liter control and many other activities.

Gadget is also an enviromentalist, in addition to being dedicated Campo Minuteman border observer.

Over time, he has been responsible for picking up 7 tons of road side trash along the highways and illegal alien infiltration routes.Usually working alone, and rarely with a few others, as with yesterdays group project.Gadget has lead the way in the Campo Minutemen participating in the ADOPT A HIGHWAY program.So what else is Gadget doing out there ? Well, in addition to his strong commitment to the environment, --- he has discovered something.---------- The illegals, ,their coyote guides and load ,or pick up vehicles use subtle road side markers to guide them. Markers that the average person would not recognize as such.

Markers indicating a pick up point, or where an off road trail starts etc.

A beer can, toilet paper, other incon****uous objects, giving directions to illegal invaders.

One can only wonder how many terrorist have use the signs and routes .

It was great see other long term patriots out there yesterday helping.


Memorial Day Weekend brought some calls to remember those who fought and were injured and died. This from Kingfish :

"I remember Sargent Salazar. He was from Texas. He is one of the men from my unit that no one seems to know what happened to him. He is not on The Wall, I know that, but the day we were hit, his legs were so bad, well let's just say I can not imagine that were able to save his legs.

Sargent Salazar, was groaning and I remember I said to him, "Hey Sarge, I thought you were supposed to be so tough." He was quiet for a minute, then he began to sing.

The last time I saw Sargent Salazar, they were carrying him away and he was singing "The Yellow Rose of Texas."


There's a yellow rose in Texas, that I am going to see,
Nobody else could miss her, not half as much as me.
She cried so when I left her, it like to broke my heart,
And if I ever find her, we nevermore will part.


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