Monday, July 28, 2008

Tijuana Invaders try to crash Ground Breaking Ceremony at Smuggler's Gulch Today

Report Received Via Email

At 11:30 am today, right as the ground breaking ceremony with Brian Bilbray and Duncan Hunter was getting underway at the bottom of Smuggler's Gulch, four Bush-McCain-Kennedy "guest workers" decided to invade the sovereign territory of the United States (sans permission) just a couple hundred yards to the east on the high ground.

Apparently, they figured the distraction of the nearby ceremony would be a great time to sneak past the Border Patrol who were all down in the gulch.

An American Patriot driving towards Smuggler's via the border road spotted 4 in the bushes, got out and snapped these pictures. When they saw him, they ran back to the border fence and tried to cross back over. Most people don't realize, but the way the grooves are in the metal landing mat border fence, its easier to cross into America than back into Mexico so they could not all get back over quickly. BP arrived a few minutes later and made no attempt to stop them as they walked along the fence on our side looking for a good place to cross back. Eventually the last guy's friends on the Tijuana side pulled up and helped him back over into Mexico. The Mexican Olympic Fence Jumping Team this was not!

Hunter was on Roger Hedgecock today and said this 4-mile stretch of double fence to the ocean should be completed by May 1, 2009. After that, Enrique's criminal buddies will have to find a new way to invade our homeland!

Here's the Ch. 7 news coverage of today's press conference:

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