Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Invasion Continues - Report from AZ

The following is a forwarded report from Arizona. Note that there are eight different trucks pictured with approximately 25 to 35 people in each. These images were taken in broad daylight. There were several more camera activations at night showing vehicles rolling by.

***********Forwarded report Below************

All images taken 45 miles due south of downtown phoenix, 80 miles north of the border , 3 miles south of Interstate 8.

ZERO active Border Patrol presence in this area (Ajo BP station responsibility)..... no visible LE response to to our 911 calls or calls to the Ajo BP station. How can this many Vehicle loads of IAs make it 80 miles north of the AZ/Mexico Border without being detected?
This area is a case of "if we don't see them they don't exist".

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