Sunday, December 13, 2009


The Campo Minutemen were visited this month by Julie Dufort, a research fellow and the coordinator of the Center for United States Studies at the Raoul Dandurand Chair in the University of Quebec in Montreal. Ms Dufort is currently doing a Master’s Degree in International Relations and, in relation to her Master’s thesis, is doing a research on the role of the civilian border patrols (Minutemen) and the way that they influence the debate on immigration in the United States. In addition to interviewing Campo Minutemen, Ms Dufort interviewed Minuteman Project Director Jim Gilchrist. The Mexico - United States Border is of great interest to academics from other countries as it is unique the world, with a Third World Country bordering a First World Country with no natural, geographic border.

On Monday, November 30, 2009, Gadget Dan while cleaning up litter along the South side I-8 t East Willow Rd., came across a day pack, a small zip lock blue bag of white powder, and a home made sprayed camo shirt, all within 20 feet of each other, all of which had been dropped recently.

Gadget Dan has begun to research candidates who will contest Congresswoman Susan Davis in 2010. He has exchanged emails with Republican Candidate Matt Friedman. Friedman states his position on immigration stresses three points: 1. E verify, 2. Improving the queuing system for people who can enter the county and 3) Utilize technology at the borders. Dan is reserving judgment noting "all the so called "technology"/ground sensors did 'not' prevent Mexican nationals/smugglers from entering our Country at will, to murder Border Patrol Agent Robert Rosas. We all owe it to the surviving members of the Rosas family, and, to all Border Patrol Agents, that never again should this happen...Never!"

An arrest has been made in the Agent Rosas Murder case. Campo Minuteman and witness to the assassination, Kingfish is skeptical,noting the Government is claiming a 17 year old with no criminal history hopped in International Border to rob an armed officer of his lunch money and he did not mean to hurt him. Not even the four times he shot him in the back of the head as a lay on the ground. The story is inconsistent with both the witness accounts and the autopsy report. In addition, the suspect surrendered, a plea deal was agreed to and his first court appearance was completed before there was any public announcement. The Campo Minutemen will continue to follow the case.

Jim Gilchrist and Julie Dufort, at the Rosas Memorial

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