Sunday, September 19, 2010

Report from Gaget Dan

On September 11, Jawbone,James and Gadget Dan went to a flag raising event at Camp Vigilance, attended by about about 80 patriots, including Ridge Runner,Viking and Big Bob. The event was covered by local media. Dan met with some individuals who had worked to help secure the Border/Vehicle Barrier fence area. The men were involved in extending the vehicle barrier, with barbed wire fencing, in line at the end of the metal vehicle barrier. They extended their range fencing (6 feet high), some distance to the East. They drilled holes in rocks and boulders to extend the range fence. Dan repaired a damaged spot in the range fence just South of the flag raising area parking lot. The damage to the range fence had all the usual markings indicating it had occurred recently. There was discarded litter, including a blanket,on the North side of the fence brought Dan's attention to the damaged area of the range fence.

Fire at Campo Started By Illegal Border Crossers

Fire was reportedly started by illegal border crossers who were lost and set up a signal fire. They were not appended.

National Guard At the Border

Border Patrol Agent Instructs the National Guard.

Report from JawBone

AAR: 09/08/2010 - 09/12/2010
By: Jawbone (AL)
Loc: Campo, CA.
This is my 5th yr. coming to Campo & look forward to as many as it takes to secure our border.
We arrived after 1600 sometime & had telcon with Kingfish agreed to meet.I positioned myself at T141. I invited my friend James to come along & get some field training. Later on Kingfish dropped by, met James & we talked a bit...It was cloudy & still cool. BP dropped by around 2200 just to say "hi" & all was quiet..Our post was La Gloria Canyon & West of our point. Bubba covered our cp..the night was incidents. Chatter on Ch.1.
The remaining days were also without incident. Our presence was certainly noticed. I had enough flags waving I could have had my own parade...Gadget took James out for some field training: pick up litter, id trail markers by illegals, & of course, fence mending...I recall my field training day(mucho tired)...Howard & Viking Dave visited on Saturday morning & we all went to the flag raising event.No goonies showed up as the Sheriffs were expecting. The event was covered by local activity that night. Plenty of BP presence mid-night to 3 am...